Posted on 10/31/2022

The little lights on your dashboard rarely come on, and when they do, it often means there's something wrong. Once the oil light catches your attention, you'll often start wondering how long it has been on and how much of an emergency you've had. It would help if you didn't fret because that's an early warning sign of a problem, not an actual one. So, why does your oil light come on? Read on to know the possible causes that make the light pop up and whether it's safe to drive with the light on. Why does the oil light turn on? A lit oil light often shows low oil pressure in your vehicle or low engine oil levels. Low oil pressure often results from various factors, including oil leaks, dirty oil, or lack of an oil refill. Also, a faulty oil pump or a malfunctioning oil pressure sensor may cause the light to turn on. Can you drive with the oil light on? No. You shouldn't drive with the oil light on unless you have an emergency or want to move your car off ... read more