Posted on 4/29/2023

Brake horsepower (bhp or BHP) is a term commonly used to measure the power output of an engine. If you've ever wondered what BHP means and how it relates to your vehicle's performance, you've come to the right place. What Does It Mean? Brake horsepower refers to the power developed by an engine at the output shaft, measured using a dynamometer. It represents the actual usable power that an engine delivers to propel a vehicle. The term "brake" in brake horsepower comes from the early days of engine testing when a brake was used to load the engine and measure its power output. To measure brake horsepower, an engine is connected to a dynamometer, which applies a load to simulate the resistance the engine would encounter in real-world conditions. The dynamometer measures the torque produced by the engine and calculates the power output in HP. This measurement accounts for any power losses due to factors such as friction and mechanical ineffic ... read more