Posted on 4/27/2022

Your car's brake fluid is one of your vehicle's most critical braking system components. When your car's brake fluid is low, your brake system is at risk of failing. The low level of brake fluid could result from many different factors. For example, it could be a symptom of a more significant problem with your car's brake system. Here are signs that may mean your car's brake fluid is low. Your Brakes Are Slipping If your brakes are feeling spongy, they may be losing grip. You may experience a much heavier feel when you press on the brake pedal when this happens. This signifies that your brake fluid level is low. Your Wheels Are Spongy A spongy feeling to your brakes could signify a low brake fluid level. A spongy feel to your brakes could also suggest that your brake pads need to be replaced. Your Brakes fluid is dirty. Dirty brake fluid could indicate a leaky brake caliper. If your brake fluid is dirty, you should have it inspected as soon as possible. Dirty ... read more